Margot pyjamas

Pattern: Margot from Love at first stitch
Fabric: An old cotton bedsheet

Starting my sewing journey by sewing knits, have made me quit afraid of the non stretch fabrics. Because the have no forgiveness in not fitting. But i have decided to get past that fear, and I hope that the book love at first stitch will help med do that!

I actually made this pair of pj pants earlier this year, but as I have just started this blog I decided to share them today. I have bee following along the #sewphotohop challenge on Instagram, organized by House of Pinheiro. It have been really fun, but sadly it september (or sewtember) ended yesterday. But today is a bonus day, with the theme PJ Party. So blogging about my pjs seemed appropriate.


I made this out of an old bed sheet and they are a size 4. Tilly has her own size system, that goes from 1 to 8.  My messurments corresponds with a size 4, and Tilly suggests going up a size if you are in between. And I am closer to an in between 4 and 5, then 3 and 4. But i still feel that this ones are a bit big in the crotch area, and I could probvably try a size 3. But as they are for lounging at home, I don´t care to fix it.


All in all I am quit happy with how they look, and they are pants. In a not stretchy fabric. So veeery slowly I am building a sewing skill set.